Team up with the Titans 2024-2025

Join our Elkins Pointe Middle School (EPMS) Parent(s), Teacher(s), Student(s) Association (PTSA)!!

Team up with the Titans is the EPMS PTSA’s primary tax-deductible fundraiser for the school year. Your donations bridge the gap between the limited state funds our school receives and the programs Elkins Pointe is able to provide throughout the year.

Adult membership to EPMS PTSA is a wonderful group of supportive parent(s)/guardian(s) who just want to be involved in our children's lives. The PTA hosts many of our student favorite school year events like Spirit Nights, Reflections contest, Book fairs, and Dances.

Your student should join too!! All youth members are the opportunity to make a difference by developing leadership skills, learning about the legislative process, increasing their self-esteem, and contributing to the school by joining.

The cost for membership is $10. Consider a membership for each adult in your household. This ensures we can keep all our events free of admission. This is our big ASK for the year.

After you sign up at the link below, you'll also be on our email list so you can stay in the know about events, volunteer opportunities and things going on at Elkins Pointe Middle School.