Date: Saturday - April 12, 2025 | 6:30pm - 9:30pm dance
Ticket prices: $40 per person (all sales are final, no refunds). Available for purchase through Friday, March 29th.
Theme: Party in Paradise. Girls dress in vibrant or tropical dresses.
DESSERTS and REFRESHMENTS: Desserts will be provided by Brownie Craze, LLC. Water, coffee & tea will be provided; there is no dinner at this event. FLOWERS: Hirt's Flowers is offering a 10% discount for any corsages ordered for the dance. Orders can be placed by calling 440-238-8200, just mention the SJJ Father/Daughter Dance to ensure you receive your discount!Please try to order these ahead of time, if possible, to ensure enough time for the florists to get all corsages done in time. Important Information for 8th Grade Parents: Please send in a photo featuring your 8th grade Lady Viking with her father. The photo does not have to be recent - involve your daughter and have her choose one of her favorites with dad! Remember to label the names/room numbers on the back of the photo and send to school by Friday, March 29th to the following: Corinne Corbin, c/o Gianna Corbin Room 1/Mrs.Kazimir