On Saturday, April 27th, all members of the Rye Neck community are invited to participate in the RYE NECK PTSA PANTHER PARTY FUN RUN!
The FUN RUN is an approximately one-mile walk/run around the Rye Neck track to celebrate the students of Rye Neck and to support the Rye Neck PTSA. It is also a way to kick off our PANTHER PARTY at the Rye Neck High School campus.
This year, the FUN RUN will be at the High School Track. After the run, you can enjoy the festivities of the PANTHER PARTY which will be in full swing at the high school. Registration starts at 11:15 and the warm-up activities and race start at 11:30 am.
To receive a race t-shirt, you must register by Friday, March 29th. Race t-shirts will be delivered to classrooms on April 24th. Run registration closes on Friday, April 26th.
Scooters, rollerblades, skateboards, bicycles, and pets are NOT permitted in the Fun Run.