Nord Families and Staff:
Your $5.00 per staff member/family membership dues help kick off our fundraising for the year as well as give you a voice! While anyone can attend our monthly meetings, only paid members have voting rights. Our monthly meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of each month. Our first meeting will be at 9:00am on Monday, September 9th at Nord School.
We need you! Nord PTO plans, organizes, and fundraises to support our staff and students. We purchase classroom supplies, books, recess equipment, PBIS rewards, treats throughout the year, etc. We organize, fund and run social events, conference night dinners, Staff Appreciation Week, Field Day, Kona Ice, purchase field day t-shirts and so much more! These activities wouldn’t be possible without our incredible volunteers! By joining Nord PTO, you’ll be a voting member with a say in our planned activities.
In addition, when volunteers are needed for PTO sponsored events, you will be contacted first before we post on our social media.
If you need more incentive to join ... PTO will be raffling off a 30oz Stanley cup! To be entered into the drawing, you must join PTO (pay membership dues) by Friday, September 20th.
No time to volunteer? That’s ok, think of your membership dues as a donation towards our activities!