Welcome to Mohegan School! 2023 will be a great year, but we need your help to make is an even greater year. Please join the Mohegan School PTO!
The Mohegan School Parent Teacher Organization is a 501(c)3 non profit organization whose mission is to encourage parents to assist with various school activities/functions/services, provide financial assistance where needs are identified within the school, foster a community atmosphere, and support the mission and vision of the school and school district.
A membership in the Mohegan School PTO gives you a vote in PTO matters. It costs $15 per family for the year. Our goal is 100% involvement, so please sign up! All PTO business will be conducted electronically until further notice, so you can sign up on cheddar up by following this link or scanning the QR code below.
P. T. O.
The one where you join.
PTO your way…donate, volunteer, share your voice, advocate for students – however participation works for you! Your schedule, your fit. Do what you can to whatever degree you can!
Reason to Join#1: Your child benefits.
Reason to Join#2: You will be in the know.
Reason to Join#3: You will tap into a network.
Reason to Join#4: You can be part of the solution.
Reason to Join#5: You can meet other parents.
Reason to Join#6: Your child will feel a sense of pride.
Reason to Join#7: You can have fun while doing good.
Reason to Join#8: Your voice can be heard.
Reason to Join#9: You can share your skills.
Reason to Join#10: You can show how much you care.
Past Mohegan School PTO accomplishments/activities…
Providing teachers with classroom setup funds
Funding the outdoor classroom
Funding new water bottle filling water fountains
Funding a new PA system for the gym
Funding the 4th grade celebration
Funding cultural events such as Path to Rhythm Drummers and Animal Embassy
Hosting Welcome Back Picnic
Hosting Boys Choice Event
Hosting A Night at the North Pole
Hosting Sweetheart Dance
Hosting Bingo