Lincoln Athletics - Support Your Lynx! (General)

Total Raised toward goal $0 of $14,500.00 as of 3/11/2025

Did you know Lincoln now has more kids participationg in sports than any other Metro school? It is a great thing to see and testament to the kids, parents, coaches and volunteers who support and participate in these sports.

Regrettably, the PTSA General Athletic Fund is struggling to keep up with these increasing numbers. We are hoping to raise $14,500.00 before the end of the school year to cover potential shortgalls in the budget.

The PTSA General Athletic Fund covers many expenses that span across all sports. General Athletics has not requested these funds directly from the teams and we are now asking parents and families for your direct support. We need assistance with the below item to ensure care for our athletes. Thank you for helping the Lincoln Lynx to shine!

  • $3,000 PT Supplies - medical supplies, wound care, tape....
  • $11,880 Lincoln Heath Athletic Trainer - Greg Dorow we pay for extra time so he is availabe for our students
  • $2,500.00 Team Snap

In order to meet this budget shortfall, we are asking for donations to the PTSA General Athletic Fund to help us support sports at Lincoln High School. With your support we can continue to support a robust and competive sports program at Lincoln High School

**** Your donation today will help support Lincoln High School Athletes across all sports teams. ****

**** LET'S GO LYNX! ****