Band fees are vital to funding the programs and events for the band. Building an exciting marching competition show and supporting a high caliber concert season takes a great deal of support...monetary and otherwise.
We work hard to be responsible stewards of your band fees. Below is a general breakdown of program costs to illustrate how they are used:
40% - Travel and feeding on contest days (higher this year due to trips to St. Louis & San Antonio)
38% - Marching band show costs including drill design, music arranging, choreography, flags/rifles/sabers, props, instruction for guard, percussion, and marching, etc.)
8% - Show Costuming and show shirts for fall production
5% - Miscellaneous (hospitality, administrative, judges, coach drivers, etc.)
5% - Clinicians for marching band, concert band
4% - Contest Entry Fees for marching, concert
The band fee schedule is broken down into seven payments of $150 (link):
June 15, July 18, Aug 16, Sept 20, Oct 25, Nov 15, and Dec 15 ($95)
Timely financial participation is critical to the success of the group!