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Friends of Plaistow Recreation Laser Show

Friends of Plaistow Recreation presents Lasermania by Prismatic Magic!

April 25th at 4pm- 5pm at the Timberlane Performing Arts Center-40 Greenough Rd Plaistow NH

Buy now and save! $8.00 per ticket or $10.00 at the door * if pre purchasing tickets, they will be at door

Dive into the wonderful world of lasers! Be amazed with a laser concert guaranteed to bring the house down. It’s the perfect introduction to the wonders of a dazzling laser light show set to a compilation of current hits. A great family friendly event to enjoy during April vacation! All are welcome!

Doors open at 3:45pm with cash raffle sales beginning at 3:30pm. Raffle prizes drawn immeidiately after the show.
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