DIY Heart Pizza Kit:
Purchase a Francesca DIY Heart Shaped Pizza Kit(s) from Lyncrest Elementary School for $17.00 and Francescas will donate a portion of each kit sold back to Lyncrest.
Pizza kits will be available for pick up on Friday, February 14 at:
2:45 PM - 3:15 PM, Lyncrest School
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM, 9-08 Essex Place
Chocolate Heart Lollipops:
Treat your loved ones with our delicious heart-shaped chocolate lollipops for only $2.00 each.
Valentine's Day Bracelets:
Show some love with our fun Valentine's Day bracelets, $1.00 each.
Chocolate Heart Lollipops and Valentine's Day Bracelets will be distributed in class on Friday, February 14. A separate order form is needed for each student/delivery.
Sales end Friday, January 31.