Charlotte's Web Ticket Sales

The drama department at Westlake Christian Academy is pleased to present Charlotte's Web, adapted by Joseph Robinette and based on the book by E.B. White.

All performances will take place in the Westlake gym.
  • Thursday, March 13th at 7:00 pm
  • Friday, March 14th at 7:00 pm
  • Saturday, March 15th at 1:00 pm

Online sales end 24 hours prior to each performance. Advance online purchase is highly recommended. Tickets will be available at the door on a first-come, first-served basis (cash or check only). Total capacity for each show is 175.
All seats are pre-assigned. Proximity to the stage will be based on ticket purchase date and time. Chairs will be grouped according to the number of seats purchased and labeled with the ticket buyer's name. If you want to sit with another group, all tickets should be purchased in one order. Requests to sit next to another group cannot be accommodated. Individuals who purchase tickets at the door will be seated at the back of the gym.
Doors open 15 minutes prior to showtime. Refunds may be requested in the event that you are unable to attend due to illness.