In “Art of the Imagination Summer Camp: Beyond the Galaxies,” campers are invited to go on a hero’s journey and soar beyond the galaxies! Artists and Museum Educators at The National Museum of Toys and Miniatures will facilitate the ride. The Nostalgia Awakens: Retro Kenner Star Wars Action Figure Toys will inspire universe and character building to blast off!
Highlights include:
Explore two unique collections in the Museum galleries
Experience insider access to a special exhibition
Create art with various mediums
Learn new techniques from local artists
Build self-confidence and teamwork skills through a group art project
Registration includes a camp t-shirt, a daily snack, art project supplies, and lots of FUN!
Ages: 3rd-6th grade as of Fall 2025
Non-Member Cost: $200
Member, UMKC Staff, Returning Camper* and/or Sibling Discount**: $160
Scholarships available
Monday, July 14-Friday, July 18, 2025
The National Museum of Toys and Miniatures
5235 Oak Street, Kansas City, MO 64112
*Attended the 2024 “Art of the Imagination Summer Camp”
**Two or more campers from the same household