ARK: Argyle Recreation for Kids Summer 2025

Welcome to your next favorite summer camp experience at Argyle United Methodist Church! We have been part of the Argyle community for over 100 years and have known there was a need in our community for our kids to have some faith-based fun throughout the entire summer. In response to that, we are so excited to introduce our newest children’s programming-ARK Summer Camp! Join us for one, or all, of our 9 weeks of faith focused, fun filled and convenient summer camp programming where kids ages 3 (potty-trained) to entering 5th grade can explore God's kingdom through mermaids, sports, art, science and more! Your child should be registered under the grade that they will be in for the 2025-2026 school year. To register with cash or check, please email

We've got our usual 9A-12P times, and now 1P-4P camps available too!

Please register for Kingdom Chess (June & July, ) and
Sky Ranch (July 21-25, directly with vendor. Contact vendors for cancellation/refund.

Please note: your registration is **not **complete until payment is received.

Refund Policy: Not able to make it after all?

30 days or more: Full Refund

15-29 days: Half Refund

0-14 days: No Refund

To register multiple campers for the same camp, please add one camp per child.

Contact Danielle at with any questions!