5th Grade Yearbook Dedication (2024/25)

Are you the proud parent of a Mill Street 5th grader?

Congratulate your 5th grader and express your pride and love with a dedication in the Mill Street Yearbook. This special message will be a memory they can look back on to remember their milestone moment!

Dedications are $10 each, 2.5" x 1.75" in size and will be printed in all copies of the 2024/25 yearbook.

The cost of the yearbook is not included with the purchase of a dedication. Yearbooks must be ordered separately (LINK - passcode: 101690811136259).

Payment is due by Wednesday, February 20th.

After payment, please complete your dedication by following the instructions that are attached below. Please submit your dedication no later than Friday, March 7th.

Please email millstreetyearbook@gmail.com with questions.
5th Grade Yearbook Dedication Required