2024-2025 Re-enrollment Paperwork and Fee for Returning Families

2024-2025 Re-enrollment Fee & Paperwork for Returning Families

In addition to the paperwork on this site, each student also needs to have a new church school enrollment form on file. Please complete one for each child. Please see link below to complete.

We are having our 3rd annual building fund fundraiser which involves the chance to win free tuition for the year. Each chance is $10 and you may enter as many times as you want (or not at all). The drawing will be held at kickoff. If you win and you have paid tuition you will receive a refund within 24 hours.

This is the paperwork and fee schedule for current families:

Regular tuition for Tier 1 Families is $150 a year. There is a $10 discount applied automatically if you register by July 31.

Please note that if you do not pay the correct amount, you will be charged a $35 fee and lose your early bird discount next year.

Tier 1 = Families enrolled 2020 to present - $150 with a $10 early bird discount =$140

Tier 2 = If you were with us 2019 and before - $125 with a $10 early bird discount = $115

Tier 3= The following people have a $99 tuition rate with a $10 early bird discount: D Granger, J Hallmark, L Johnson, P Payne, H Rebarchik, H Whited, L Chambers

If your tuition is lower than $99 you still get that rate but please call Darlene to make payment.

If you have any questions or difficulties, please email us at pathwaysacademy@hotmail.com
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