Do archery • Learn outdoor skills • Camp with your troop!
Scouts from Troop 30181 will provide a scout camping list (linked below), camp skills mentoring, dinner, breakfast, lunch, and snacks, all activities and supplies, and participation patches.
Every participant will receive archery instruction and at least half an hour on the archery range.
Attending Troops must provide:
Girl Scout registered adults to maintain SafetyWise ratios (1 adult for every 6 Brownies)
Camping gear for themselves
An adult with Sleep Out training
When: 4:00 pm Friday, May 16 to 3:30 pm Saturday, May 17
Where: Twin Canyon Girl Scout Camp, Lafayette, CA
Who: Brownie Troops
What: Archery instruction, camp activities, all meals, participation patch
Cost: $40 per participant (child or adult)
Bring: Supply list will be distributed 2 weeks prior to the event
Wear: Close-toed shoes, clothing appropriate for the weather — download packing list for further details.
No tags, please. Refunds: a full refund will be offered until May 11. After May 11, partial refunds of up to $20 per participant will be available upon email request
This is a money earning event for Troop 30181 to help raise funds for a trip abroad.